Sunday, 21 September 2014

From  sibling abused to sweet success with God on my right and good friends I pulled up myself from the ashes of despair.Today I have a strong sense of  direction in  life .I have disposed of my stressful siblings .Today is a worthy part of my life  adventure I am living the life that God intended me to have..I am living my dream

Friends from Elgin clock company in Chicago

Colleagues from Elgin Clock Company
Specialist John Dorman  has finally freed  himself from sibling  abuse . With God at my side and some good female mentors I started  a new life rebuilding my financial base it wasn't easy. 

Elgin Clock company colleagues 
Specialist John Dorman Bravo Company Fort Dix 1973
Elgin Clock Company

Lucians in  Brooklyn
John Dorman fixing to tour Belize

John Dorman's baby mother

John Dorman touring Belize

Friends,colleagues country men it seems like just yesterday that hard times and I were best of friends . I was that cage bird that could not sign i was made to sleep on a cold cement floor with news papers as my blankets and not knowing where my next meal would come from. This may be hard to to believe but this was my living condition under my sister's roof I DIED and yet here I am today living a wonderful and financially successful life style... To God the glory

John Dorman class of 1973 Fort Dix Bravo Company Drill Sgt.Bryant

Sister Sister look at me now My Life is Simply Wonderful
When I moved in with you I experienced hard time for the first time.My life went to pieces you totally abandoned me I had no idea how i would survived .It got to the point that I was going to pack my bags and returned to Brooklyn.Then I met someone by the named of Delores.T and my life took a big turn for the better.I was able to own five homes and a compilation of some of Americas fortune 500 companies in my stock portfolio.Today I am debt free and can boastfully say that I have romanced my wife in some of the World's most iconic cities. I am blessed and highly favored.God does not like ugly It's amazing all the wonderful blessings the heavens have bestowed upon me.
Special thanks to my three earth angles Albina Delores and Ida Miller you guys totally turned my life AROUND......

Fort Dix class of 1973 Bravo Company
Drill Instructor Sgt Bryant 

The Dorman's Wandering while enjoying a glorious sun set under the Mexican sky

The Dormans having a jolly good time aboard ship

We are wandering and exploring and enjoying the charm of Cancun beach front 

We are fixing to have a thrilling sea adventure on a legendary ship

Today  the Dormans  will be exploring the idyllic scenes that Cozumel has to offer

From my sister's hell hole to a timeless ambiance, experiencing a feeling of elegance on board a floating hotel

No matter who you are or what your current circumstances are my God is able to change your entire life.See what he has done for me .Just Ask Believe and Receive  

Faith in God Changes everything

Sophia enjoying a soothing therapy

To My evil A$$ Siblings once upon a miserable time in my young adult life you suffered me.Blessed and highly favored here i am on a legendary floating hotel experiencing the pleasures of an affluent life style and a warm and gracious smile from the wife to warm my heart

Ha Ha Ha Laughing out Loud at my siblings .You called yourself starving me look in wonderment at your brother experiencing sophisticated cuisine prepared by a World-class chief


Fort Dix class of 1973 Bravo Company. 

Finding some local inspired activities to indulge
The Dormans are enjoying the freedom of wandering around Cozumel and sampling some of the local bars

Exploring the US Virgins

Sweet Success ....Lots of folks dream of it few ever achieve it I am living proof that hard work has it's rewards

When you work very hard I mean 80 to 100 hours weekly you will undoubtedly reap the rewards of achievement success and self-fulfillment.. I did  

Sophia enjoying a singular moment in the Grand Cayman

Today we are enjoying an unforgettable day wandering and exploring this alluring island 

To aspire you must be willing to perspire this is the key to my success
\The dormans enjoying another glorious day at sea

Tonight like every other night we had a wonderful culinary experience
The choices are numerous just so many extraordinary dining selections to make